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Pitch Your Book to Literary Agents

Pitch your book to 3 literary agents to improve your query and increase your chances of a publishing deal.

Event takes place from December 2nd to 18th, 2022. 50 writers only!

Feedback from reliable literary agents you can trust

Are you ready to publish, and seeking a literary agent?

Have you queried before with no success?

At this virtual event you will pitch your book, 1-on-1, to three (3) established literary agents. 

You will receive feedback on your query letter, book synopsis, and even your manuscript pages.

You'll receive concrete advice on the steps to sell your book to a reputable publisher.

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Write a Better Query Letter

Is your query letter not generating responses from agents? Or is the feedback that you get generic, unhelpful, or even arrogant?

Are you confused about which literary agent to approach, and how? 

Maybe you're just plain unsure if your writing is any good.

Querying can be stressful, frustrating, and demoralizing.

But you've invested blood, sweat, and tears into writing this book; it's time to escape the query quagmire.

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Learn How to Query Literary Agents with Success

The process of seeking a literary agent—querying—is antiquated, inefficient, slow, and unfair (there, we said it).

Most agents will not reply to your query and when they do the feedback can be generic, unhelpful, even obnoxious.

You want straight up answers about your query, and that's what this event delivers.

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Meet So You Want to Write?

Since 2017, SYWW has partnered with the world's most established literary agents, who have 10, 20, and 30+ years of experience publishing bestselling authors.

Our agents have connections with the "Top Five" publishers like Penguin Random House as well as boutique firms.

The agents you'll pitch at this event specialize in a range of genres and markets including:

• Fantasy & Science-Fiction

• Thrillers & Mystery

• Young Adult & Children's Books

• Romance & Commercial Fiction

• Non-Fiction & Memoir

• Short Stories & Literary Fiction

We've helped hundreds of writers improve their work and move toward publishing, and we want you to be our next success story.

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Meet Our Literary Agents

How This Works

  1. Register for this event and schedule your 3 literary agent meetings.
  2. Submit your best query letter & book synopsis for the agents' review in advance of your meetings. (Book a separate, 45 minute manuscript review for an additional fee, below.)
  3. Meet with your agents, 1-on-1, at the appointed time to pitch your book.

You'll receive priceless query feedback and get to ask all of your questions. You'll leave each session with clear, actionable advice about how to improve your query letter and synopsis, and improve your query results. Each meeting will last for 10 minutes.

Our Guarantee

We go to great lengths to ensure that each writer succeeds in our events, but  recognize that sometimes "life happens". You may withdraw for a full refund up to one week before the event.

If you are unhappy for whatever reason, we offer a full money back guarantee, no questions asked.

This ensures 0% risk and 100% flexibility for you.

Improve Your Query Success Now

Join this event and you will:

• Get expert feedback that will help you improve your query letter and book synopsis—straight up answers, not vague rejections.

• Get clear on your exact next steps to land a publishing deal.

• Learn how you can find the right agent for you, someone you can trust, and who sees your potential.

• Gain the confidence to query.

• Turn the query process from a burden into a fun journey.

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Escape the Query Trenches

Stop staying stuck in the query trenches.

Stop wasting your time querying, only to hear crickets.

Stop getting generic, template responses from agents.

Stop being frustrated by the process.

Stop losing hope.

Register now!

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Submit a Query that Works

• Go from confused about the querying process... to clear on your exact next steps.

• From having a query letter that doesn’t get results... to one that agents feel compelled to respond to.

• From no prospects of publishing... to finding your dream agent who you can trust and rely on.

• From unsure if your writing is any good... to clear that you have material that agents and readers want.

• From getting no feedback... to receiving detailed advice on how you can improve your work and your query process.

• From stressed about querying... to excited to reach out to your ideal agent.

• From stuck in the query quagmire... to your very first book signing!

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What Our Writers Are Saying


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Our consultants (who are also writers) will meet with you to discuss your project, goals, and suitability for the program.

Or email us with your questions. We try to accomodate all special requests.


Frequently Asked Questions

For an additional fee, add a Manuscript Review, where an agent will read up to 5,000 words of your manuscript. This will also extend your 10 minute meeting to 1 hour where you'll receive specific manuscript feedback and more time to ask questions. Just click the Manuscript Review option at registration.

This event includes three private, ten minute meetings with the literary agents listed above. To extend each meeting to 1 hour, add a Manuscript Review at checkout. (I.e. purchase one manuscript review and extend one meeting to one hour; purchase two manuscript reviews to extend two meetings to one hour each, etc.)

Well, that depends on the quality of your pitch, my friend. While we certainly can't guarantee that one of these agents will offer you representation, there's nothing to prevent them from doing that. Regardless, when you participate in this event you will receive excellent feedback that WILL help you land a literary agent.

This event includes three 1-on-1 pitch meetings with up to three literary agents, for 10 minutes each, who will review—in advance of the meeting—your query letter and book synopsis. The cost is US$200.

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