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1-on-1 Query Letter Review with Author Alisha Sevigny

Refine your query letter, strategize your querying approach, and learn to sell yourself, and your book, to literary agents with the power to get you published.

Querying can be just as frustrating as it is exciting. You've dreamed of the moment that your manuscript is polished and you're finally to finally pursue a literary agent in hopes of a book deal. There's a chance you've sent out dozens of queries in exchange for silence and thoughts of where you went wrong. 

An effective query letter balances your personality as a writer, a strategic approach tailored to the litagent you hope to engage, and the ability to sell yourself as an author with longstanding potential. 

1-on-1 Query Letter Reviews are designed to give you the querying insight, critique, and targeted approach you need to write a memorable query.

What Writers Are Saying About Alisha Sevigny

"Working with Alisha was wonderful — from pitching to her via email to meeting in person to discuss her evaluation. Alisha made it easy to work together as she is always pleasant and genuinely cares about helping writers. I appreciate that she offered lots of encouragement and specific recommendations to help make my book the best it can be."
— Marisa B., Toronto

"I really benefited from the clear comments on my manuscript that Alisha provided me. They were concise, very helpful and improved my knowledge of the writing trade. Her comments certainly improved the quality my non-fiction book."
— James B., Orillia

"Alisha was a great help in reviewing and in helping to refine my pitch for my novel before sending it off to a literary agent." 
— Rhesa S., Toronto

"Alisha combed through my 140,000 word manuscript offering many different strategies that I could employ to bring it down to the recommended maximum word count (under 100,000) for the genre in which it would be classified.  Readers have since told me that they were most impressed with the tightness and pace of the book, feeling that every line was worth reading.  There is no doubt in my mind that this high praise was due to Alisha's keen instinct for what a reader wants and needs in order to keep turning the page.  Indeed, this, I would say, is the hallmark of Alisha's own writing. She pointed out plot and character inconsistencies that I had missed, even after much scrutiny and gently curtailed my penchant for overly verbose descriptions. She provides a thorough and discerning voice that will allow you to reconsider and/or validate your work from a fresh and knowledgeable perspective, always keeping the writer's delicate ego in mind.  A pleasure to work with from beginning to end."
— P.H. Oliver

How It Works

Your coach will meet you 1-on-1 via Zoom to give detailed feedback about your query letter. This includes:

45 minutes 1-on-1 with an established literary agent

Insight into what's working and not working in your letter

Editing suggestions for how to write winning copy about your book

Tips and techniques on how to personalize your query to earn an agent's attention

Suggestions on how to write a more dynamic bio that will leave an impression

A review and critique of your synopsis

1-on-1 Query Letter Review with Author Alisha Sevigny

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